Pregnancy calculator

When is your baby due? 

There are around 266 days between fertilisation and the birth of your baby. The first day of your last period is used to calculate your due date because the time that sexual intercourse took place does not have to coincide with fertilisation. Please enter the first day of the last menstrual period as well as the average menstrual cycle.

First day of last menstrual period:
From first day of your period to the last day before the next period begins.
Ranges from 22 to 44 days. Default = 28; optional: leave 28 if unsure.

Current week of pregnancy: 
Estimated date of delivery:
Important to know: A normal, "on-schedule" full-term birth can deviate up to 2 weeks from the calculated date of delivery. Deviations are the norm: Only about 5% of all pregnant women give birth on the calculated date of delivery.

Antenatal diagnostic and ultrasound scans (in addition to regular pregnancy monitoring):

First prenatal appointment (from week 8):
First screening / First trimester test (week 12 - 14):
Second screening (from week 20):
Possibly an additional ultrasound (from week 30):